
Friday, November 29, 2013

GMschooling....what kids can learn in a shopping mall


One of the abundant blessings of homeschooling....children are free to explore the world on their own off peak time!

If we teach to consider shopping mall as shopping place...a shopping trip it will be and continue to be.
If we teach kids to consider shopping mall as learning place....a learning trip it will be and continue to be, inshaaAllah.

After dealing with kakak jaga kedai...Hakeem said cheerfully " owh, tak cukup duit laa nak beli sekarang." Dapat salam pun jadilah.
Among games to fill in waiting times like this...find shoplot numbers & what they sell, counting people, colours & shapes followed by why, why and more why. Good time to teach muslim boys on how Allah emphasize on lowering gaze too!
It's amazing to see how kids less than 2yo actually develop natural ability to differentiate sizes, colours and choosing the one suit for them...spatial intelligence untaught.
Another practice of spatial intelligence....choosing sizes to match who's body...
and more price tag reading & calculations.....just bear with us kak ye