Pernah tak baca homeschooling quote:
Ummi is not the best teacher, of course, but life is always one..'moment' like this appears once in a while but when it comes at times we're feeling low and like giving up hs...ummi will take it as a sign & reminder from Allah.
Malam semalam ketika cuba mengingatkan anak-anak tentang games-entertainment, bola (world cup ni kaaannn), ummi turut kaitkan dengan fitnah dajjal. Jadi biasalah...anak yang biasa dibenarkan bebas bertanya ini bersuara
"Mana ummi tahu tentang dajjal ni"
" Rasulullah (saw) bagitaulah!"
Rupanya ia tak terhenti di situ...anak yang secara alaminya bersifat curious itu terus bertanya dan bertanya..sehingga lepas subuh, dah tak terbendung lagi...setiap 5 saat dia ulang " cepatlah...mana dia yang nabi cakap pasal dajjal tu..mana, mana, mana"...haisshhh...sabar jelah!
So, here's the child who can barely read fluently, can't even spell (as yet)...and will easily labeled as dyslexic and passed to kelas pemulihan or special school for 3M or LINUS classes by Julai in standard 1...reading hadith on dajjal in the thick, small font, boring black and white sahih bukhari. Mengeja merangka-rangkak only to fulfill his curiousity on what the prophet said about dajjal. To believe that it is for real, not merely stories and fiction...not like ultraman or doraemon. To have faith that everything mentioned by the prophet is true and only the believers will have faith...not the munafiqun and the kaafirun.

" Dan janganlah kamu mengadakan tuhan lain selain Allah. Sungguh, aku seorang pemberi peringatan yang jelas dari Allah untukmu" ( Az-zariyat:51 ) ayat coincidentally read by abang Man this very same morning..alhamdulillah...thank you Allah for this reminder...of why we homeschool, and not to give up our precious little bundle for little worth of dunya has to offer them.
Trust children. They are in the best of fitrah to seek the truth.
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