Educators' Conference telah berlangsung pada Jumaat,22 Nov 2013 di SACC, Shah Alam. Berikut dicatatkan serba ringkas nota personal dari conference ini:
Keynote Speaker :Transforming Today's Children Into World Leaders
By Dr. Rozieta Shaary
- What is said around a child will be his rooted belief- be careful of negative statements, focus on positive qualities
- teach kids to add value to the world, not only receiving
- Success spirals: positive emotions --endorphins released---->brain power ---->success--gratefulness--->increased self-esteem---->more positive emotions
- Mengapa ibubapa lebih garang/tegas dgn anak sendiri? Because we have fear when our own children are at stake.
- What you give tochildren is what you get back.
- Anak tidak akan jadi hebat jika orang dewasa sentiasa meragui kehebatannya.
- Everyone enter this world with a mission. Find what is it (purpose of life). Why this child is given to me?
- Allah tidak membebankan apa yang kita tidak mampu. Yakinlah.
Forum : Publishing books for Muslim Children: Bridging the gap
Pn. Zaliza Alias, Genius Aulad
Pn.Maizurah Hamzah,SuperZickr
Mr. Ahmad Redha, International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)
- Books are not only for early readers
- Islamic books are being secularised & segregated, while christian-based books are being generalised,unclassified & widely accepted & distributed.
- Books are window to the world & a mirror to a child.
- Everything written/illustrated in the books must have children as their utmost priority
- Reading books to children-must be engaging & provide means of communication between children & parents/educators
- Should parents write children books? Parents understand children interest, but may not be profitable to publish. Most publishers target books that can be supplied to schools/institution for profits.
- e-books vs printed books- the mechanics of reading a physical books are still very much appreciated
- Must fulfill children's learning styles ( visual, kinesthetic, audio)
- visit IBBY for updates on children books industry around the world.
Educating the Generation of Information
Pn. Hjh Sabariah Faridah, Little Caliph International
- 2 hours of screentime each day is enough for children aged 6 & below
- Our children are digital natives -they are digital first language
- Parents/teachers/educators are digital immigrants- have to learnto speak using digital language
- DFL kids at home :
- 24% have 5 or more tv in a house
- 63% said tv is watched during mealtime
- Average 6.5 hours/day spent multitasking between electronics devices & media
- Effects on students:
- assignment takes longer to complete
- mental fatigue
- impaired attention
- Impact on learning from long wordy text:
- Difficulty in focusing attention
- Difficulty in organizing thought & looking for relationships between info.
- Cannot visualize & having trouble putting thinking into language
- Does not work well independently w/o immediate feedback.
- In South Korea : digital obesity- too much time on the internet & digital services
- Solution :
- Download the best apps & the right software to aid learning.
- Set clear rules on digital activities
- Those who watch more than 3 hours of tv, video, DVDs per day have higher chances of conduct problems, emotional symptoms & relationship problems by 7yo compared to children who did not.
- Positive side of gamers:
- able to analyze complex situations
- very sophisticated thinking
- more ready to take new risk
- motivated
- education has gone beyond classroom wall
- introduce cyberethics 2 years before applying digital technologies in teaching/learning
- 75% teachers using left-brain techniques
- 85% of students are right brain learners
- teachers as the key source of information
- very confusing school system!
- creative problem solver
- better communicator
- lifelong learner
- engage to teaching-learning
- all must be based on tauheed- strong foundation
- blended learning teachingstyle
Forum: technology as learning Tools for Muslim Children
Forum :Challenges & changes required in educating special needs children in Malaysia
- Special needs education is still largely undermined, insufficient attention given
- Special education is not widely available, especially to non-educated parents/rural area
- Teachers in special needs are not recognized similar to teachers in mainstream education system.
- Emphasize too much on LINUS rather than developing holistic potential of students with special needs
Mr.Tuah Johari Atan's experience...
- help the 'normal' to understand those with special needs -was put in the last class due to his disabilities although he could read english well.
- persevere & focus on giving/ teaching/helping others instead of expecting help/receiving- He taught his classmates until succeed.
- must have self-confidence & willingness to succeed more than the normals : stayed in hostel since 8yo to ease going to school.
Terima kasih & tahniah buat abah yang sanggup menjaga anak-anak beraktiviti di booth-booth MICF & creative corner sepanjang hari semasa ummi berconference. Kata-kata seorang agen insurans yang memperhatikan mereka berkeliaran di exhibition hall sepanjang hari "Sanggup ye abang jaga semua anak-anak kecik dari pagi!"kepada saya sebelum balik menjelang maghrib sangat 'touching'!Anak-anak mmglah enjoy sampai xcukup seharian nak datang lagi...haha...abahnya yg macam nak tercabut kaki.
Semoga dapat diamalkan & ada manfaatnya, insyaaAllah.
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